The type of noise determines who you can contact to make a complaint.

Complaints to Access Canberra

These sources of noise can be reported via Access Canberra’s noise complaint process:

  • amplified noise such as from sound systems and speakers
  • building and construction noise
  • residential property noise such as air conditioners.

Complaints to other authorities

Some noises can’t be addressed through Access Canberra’s noise complaint processes.

For all other types of noise, use the Access Canberra Feedback and Complaint form and select the category that applies.

Alternatively, you can call Access Canberra on 13 22 81.

Before making a noise complaint

Before you make a noise complaint:

  • check the noise standards to see whether the noise is within acceptable levels
  • consider if the noise is temporary and will cease within a reasonable amount of time
  • try to communicate with the person responsible for the noise.

Read about:

Speak to the source

Most noise concerns can be resolved with a simple conversation. Try the following steps:

  1. Before the conversation, decide what is important to you. Write down your needs and concerns so they’re clear in your mind.
  2. Make a convenient time and a comfortable place to talk.
  3. State your concerns calmly from your point of view. Explain how you feel and don’t make threats or accusations.
  4. Let the other person respond and listen to their side of the story. Acknowledge what they have told you.
  5. Think about a range of possible solutions. Do you want them to lower the volume, or change the time they make the noise?
  6. Be willing to compromise. Work towards an agreement which satisfies both your needs.
  7. Be clear about what you have agreed on. Keep a record of the conversation while it is still fresh. It may be useful in future.

Seek professional mediation

If you can’t reach an agreement, consider dispute coaching or mediation with the Conflict Resolution Service.

Visit the Conflict Resolution Service website.

Make a noise complaint

If you can’t come to an agreement and any attempts to mediate have failed, you can make a complaint to Access Canberra.

To be eligible to make a noise complaint in the ACT:

  • you must live in the ACT
  • the noise must be coming from the ACT.

What you'll need

You'll need to provide:

  • your name
  • your contact details
  • the location of the noise.

Access Canberra can’t investigate or take action on anonymous complaints.

If you choose to make an anonymous complaint, we'll record the information you provide but we can't take further action.

Make a noise complaint

Complaint outcomes

Once a complaint is lodged, Access Canberra will send the person a letter to make them aware of the noise coming from their premises.

If the noise continues to be an issue, Access Canberra will investigate.

If the noise is above the noise standards, Access Canberra may:

  • send a warning letter
  • issue a fine
  • issue an Environment Protection Order (EPO). Breaching an EPO is a serious offence and could lead to prosecution in court.

If the noise is from a business, Access Canberra may take occupational disciplinary action through the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT).

Visit the ACAT website.