Under the Public Unleased Land Act 2013, hawker’s permits let you trade in ACT public spaces. You can sell food, beverages, or goods like clothing and artwork.

You need a hawker’s permit if you’re:

  • selling goods from a vehicle, like a van, truck or trailer
  • selling goods carried on your person
  • selling goods while you’re busking.

You must hold a hawkers permit if you’re trading in a location longer than 30 minutes.

Hawker’s permits only apply to public unleased land in the ACT. If you want to trade on National land, contact the National Capital Authority.

Hawker permits are free in the ACT.


You don’t need a permit if you’re:

  • trading in an established marketplace or fair
  • if your business is on leased land and you have an agreement with the business
  • if you’re busking but you aren’t selling any goods like CDs. If you’re just performing, you don’t need a permit.

If you’re selling food or alcohol, other permits may apply.

Read about:


To get a hawker’s permit you need Public Liability Insurance that specifically covers the area you want to use. You need a minimum insurance sum of $20 million and ‘ACT Government’ noted as an interested party.

Apply for a permit

To apply for a hawker’s permit:

  1. Use the Public place permit form.
  2. Indicate on the map where you intend to trade.
  3. Submit the form.

There is no fee for hawker’s permits.

Access Canberra will assess your application and contact you if we need further information.

Once approved:

Renew your permit

Once issued, your permit term varies depending on your business activity.

Access Canberra will contact you when your permit is about to expire.

You’ll be asked to resubmit your application using the Public place permit form. Under type of application, select ‘Renew’.

Periodic permits

Periodic permits may be issued to businesses that operate under seasonal conditions. Examples including selling:

  • fruit
  • Flowers
  • Christmas Trees.

These permits are renewed each year.

If you believe a seasonal permit would be appropriate for your business contact Access Canberra.

Amend your permit

You can amend your permit if you want to add a new influential person, or change your trading locations or permit condition.

Use the Public place permit form and under type of application, select ‘Amendment’.

Transfer your permit

If you are selling your business, you can apply to transfer the ownership of your permit.

This will assess the suitability of the new applicant and the ongoing nature of your business.

Use the Public place permit form and under Type of application, select ‘Transfer’.